Study on hydrogen permeation method of zirconium alloy tube

VIEWS - 192 (Abstract) 93 (PDF)
Du Hao


Physical and Chemical Testing Center of North Nuclear Fuel Components Co., Ltd., Baotou, Inner Mongolia, 014035, China The determination process of hydride orientation factor of zirconium alloy mainly includes hydrogen permeation process and hydride display process. The key of hydride orientation factor measurement lies in controllable and effective hydrogen permeation and true and clear display of hydride. When a metallographic picture with appropriate number of hydride and clear display is obtained, the hydride orientation factor of sample can be accurately and quickly measured. By analyzing and testing the possible factors affecting the hydrogen permeation effect of zirconium alloy tube, the corrosion parameters such as temperature, pressure, type, concentration and holding time of corrosion solution were determined.


Zirconium alloy; hydrogen permeation; hydride orientation factor.

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