Discussion on Anti-freezing Technology of Air-cooling System

VIEWS - 165 (Abstract) 121 (PDF (简体中文))
Zhichao Cao


The direct air-cooling unit is used to cool down the end of the energy supply system because of its small size, small environmental pollution and energy saving. But the direct air-cooling machine also has a lot of shortcomings, in the course of operation, once subject to low temperature changes, may cause damage to the equipment. For the direct air-cooling unit, anti-freezing is particularly important in winter operation, research on the impact of direct air-cooling unit freezing factor analysis, based on which the corresponding anti-freezing technology. In view of the anti-freezing of the air-cooling system, on the one hand, the peripheral antifreezing system has been perfected, and antifreezing supplies have been prepared, this paper discusses the anti-freezing technology of air-cooling unit.


air cooling unit; anti-freezing; measures

DOI: https://doi.org/10.26789/jnhb.v7i8.1645


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