The Research and Development on CTJ10/96-6, the Strong Exhaust Driven by Air Pressure Sanitary Device of the Mine Rescue System

VIEWS - 494 (Abstract) 178 (PDF)
Deyang Liang, Guoqiang Ouyang, Qiusheng Jiang


According to the technical specification requirements of the mine rescue system, CTJ10/96-6, we design a strong exhaust sanitary device driven by air pressure based on pneumatic control, which adopts a key control by mechanical button. It implements many functions, such as flushing and sealing the smell, measuring and strong exhaust by using mechanical and pneumatic transmission. It also meets the demand of design requirements for the safety and explosion-proof of the mine rescue system. 


Rescue System; Strong Exhaust Driven by Air Pressure; Sanitary Device; Research and Development

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