The legal implications, content elements and practical directions of systematic protection of intangible cultural heritage

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Yudong Wang


The outstanding traditional Chinese culture represented by intangible cultural heritage is the "root" and "soul" of the Chinese nation. In the process of "creative transformation and innovative development" in which thoughts and expressions are interwoven and coupled, the main value of the intangible cultural heritage community should be brought into play, the cultural nutrients of the intangible cultural heritage soil should be tapped to help realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. In fact, intangible cultural heritage protection has become a systematic project. The systematic thinking of intangible heritage reveals that protection action is an organic process of integrating internal material and immaterial resources to achieve integrity. By bridging and implementing the principle of integral protection of intangible cultural heritage, exploring and cultivating the inheritance methods of intangible cultural heritage groups, improving and constructing the system of related disciplines of intangible cultural heritage, continuously and strengthening the modern path of non-hereditary transmission, establishing scientific, integral and overall thinking of systematic protection of intangible cultural heritage, so as to promote the systematic protection work of intangible cultural heritage.


Intangible cultural heritage; Systematic protection; The Holistic principle ; Intangible cultural heritage group inheritor

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