Quick and Musical Ice Sheet Variances in Western Scandinavia 15-40 Kya: A Survey

VIEWS - 144 (Abstract) 63 (PDF)
Jaya Newman


The inland record of Middle to Late Weichselian dregs and frigid history in Norway demonstrates a progression of four significant ice propels exchanging with quick, extensive ice downturns and interstadial conditions. During every one of the chilly advances the ice sheet extended from coastal/inland situations to the rack regions. The reason for picturing these varieties in glaciation bends developed along nine cuts across from inland to retire, and for understanding of the palaeoclimatic history, is the local Quaternary stratigraphy, in excess of 300 datings, fossil substance and some palaeomagnetic information. The strategies applied as of late for AMS radiocarbon dating of icy dregs with low natural carbon content have given promising outcomes regarding exactness and accuracy, and the aftereffects of such datings were a significant instrument for our recreations and for timing of the ice motions. The fast and cadenced ice vacillations, as recreated in our new model, have been genuinely simultaneous in many pieces of Norway. Ice progresses started and finished at 40, 30 - 28, 24 - 21 and 18 - 15 (14C) Kya. We portray three mediating interstadials from inland destinations: Hattfjelldal I, Hattfjelldal II and Trofors. Our stratigraphical record additionally incorporates numerous signs of high, pre-Holocene, relative ocean levels, recommending a significant glacio-isostatic despondency of western Scandinavia during the interstadials. In our glaciation model we recommend that, notwithstanding precipitation, the bumpy fjord and valley geology, icy isostasy and relative ocean level changes were most likely more significant for the size of the frosty vacillations than were air temperature changes.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.26789/IJG.2017.01.003


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