International Journal of Educational Science and Theory


Editor-in-Chief:Meng Wang

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International Education Science and Theory (eISSN:2811-0137) is an open access education theory publication published by Singapore Urban Development Science Publishing. This journal is a comprehensive educational publication with a wide selection of articles, including columns on preschool education, subject teaching, educational psychology, teacher development, educational innovation, and educational literature. This journal aims to promote the development of international education and science, emphasizing the originality, scientificity, and cutting-edge nature of article research, and providing an international exchange and cooperation platform for experts and scholars in the field of education around the world. Welcome scholars and authors to actively submit articles to us.


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Vol 3, No 3 (2024)

Table of Contents


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Yanfeng Yan


A survey was conducted on the current status of the physical development of urban and rural sports clubs in Henan Province using literature review, questionnaire survey, and mathematical statistics methods. The results showed that the establishment of sports clubs at the provincial and municipal levels in Henan Province is relatively scientific and reasonable, with a large number of sports clubs. However, some county-level (district) sports clubs have more problems in terms of institutional setting; The main types of urban and rural sports clubs in Henan Province are individual sports associations, sports federations, crowd sports associations, and industry sports associations. Most sports clubs in urban and rural areas of Henan Province carry out related activities by renting or using public sports facilities, but the hardware facilities are lagging behind. By objectively and comprehensively understanding the current situation of the physical development of urban and rural sports clubs in Henan Province, this study provides practical and reliable references for relevant departments to study and formulate corresponding documents and policies.

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Yuwei Li


With the deepening development of globalization, Chinese education is increasingly valued globally. In this context, the importance of international Chinese education digital publishing as an important carrier for inheriting and promoting Chinese culture is increasingly prominent. However, compared with mainstream international education digital publishing, there are still certain gaps in content, technology, market, and other aspects in international Chinese education digital publishing. Therefore, this article aims to analyze in depth the problems faced by international Chinese education digital publishing and explore its future development path, in order to provide reference for research and practice in related fields.

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Liang Kang


With the continuous deepening of supply side structural reform, we have witnessed the contradiction between traditional management methods and contemporary digital technologies in the logistics industry. In order to adapt to this emerging development trend and improve the management efficiency of the supply chain, the concept of smart logistics has emerged. This study selected a specific logistics enterprise as a case study and conducted a detailed analysis of its internal and external cost management issues. On this basis, this article further proposes a cost management strategy based on the value chain, aiming to promote the sustainable and long-term development of China's logistics industry.

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Tongfu He, Jiahui Lv, Dalei Song, Liqin Zhou


In the field of engineering education, theory and practice are mutually reinforcing elements that enhance learning. The core course in Automation, titled "Electric Drive Automatic Control Systems," requires a thorough understanding of theoretical concepts, integration across various disciplines, and strong connections to practical engineering applications. The primary challenge is to ignite students' enthusiasm within the limited class hours, ensuring not only a comprehensive grasp of fundamental theoretical principles but also the development of practical skills essential for achieving the course objectives. Based on Behaviorist learning theory and the concept of education pyschologicalization, this study introduces a competitive approach to the course design, blending it with practical teaching methods. It explores positive incentives to encourage constructive learning, collaboration, and critical thinking. This approach fosters an independent, proactive, and efficient classroom environment, significantly improving the quality of education.

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Yang Zeng


The concept goal and construction path of school sports with Chinese characteristics in the new era are designed to promote the all-round development of young people. This goal reflects the country's comprehensive deployment of school physical education work, emphasizing that physical education is not only physical exercise, but also the embodiment of moral education function. In order to achieve this goal, the government, schools and all sectors of society need to work together, starting from policies, systems, resources and other aspects. Specific strategies include improving laws and regulations, deepening the reform of physical education and health curriculum, strengthening the construction of physical education teachers, and innovating the construction measures of high-level sports teams.

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Guanyu Gong


Alongside the development of globalization, the issue of maintaining local cultural characteristics in higher education is both a challenge and relevant to the times. Fashion jewelry design based on Intangible Cultural Heritage (ICH) serves as a vital link between the conservation of traditional culture and educational innovation. Key issues in this study revolve around how to effectively explore and apply ICH elements and how to integrate them into jewelry design education. This paper focuses on the in-depth exploration of ICH elements and the teaching reform for university jewelry design courses, providing new ideas for the modernization of such a curriculum. It first analyzes the connotation and diversity of ICH elements, revealing their potential as design resources. Meanwhile, the study identifies problems and challenges faced in the application of ICH in jewelry design through a current situation analysis. After comprehensive comparative analysis, a path is proposed for modernizing the incorporation of ICH elements in jewelry design by bestowing modern aesthetics upon them and organically combining traditional cultural elements with modern aesthetics through design. Additionally, the paper systematically explores how to organically infuse ICH elements into teaching processes in university jewelry design curricula, offering a practical teaching model that emphasizes a combination of design thinking, innovation, craftsmanship inheritance, and innovative applications. To summarize, the research conducted provides reference for higher education institutions in their jewelry design teaching, aiming to facilitate course construction and offering possibilities for the innovative optimization of teaching content. In the future, it is hoped that more jewelry designs containing Chinese ICH elements will shine brightly in the global fashion industry. This study also helps reevaluate the value of ICH, allowing more people to understand, appreciate, and pass down ICH through modern, fashionable design.

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Shukun Luo


This article comprehensively discusses the role and impact of cultural factors in integrity building, through theoretical analysis and case studies, revealing how cultural values, social trust, and education shape the formulation and implementation of anti-corruption policies. Research shows that cultural values are directly related to integrity, social trust is the foundation of anti-corruption practices, and education is the key channel for disseminating a culture of integrity. Through comparative analysis of local governance in China and international cases, the article validates the influence of different cultural backgrounds on the success of anti-corruption strategies and offers targeted suggestions for cultural development improvements, including strategic cultural intervention measures. The research emphasizes the importance of customizing anti-corruption strategies according to specific cultural contexts, providing theoretical and practical guidance for integrity building worldwide.

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Fangjie Shu


With the improvement of people's living standards and the increasing number of buildings, China pays more and more attention to the environmental protection and energy saving of buildings in the field of architectural design.However, at present, many construction enterprises do not manage all links of the construction project through the concept of double carbon, and cannot achieve the goals of energy conservation, emission reduction and green and sustainable development in the construction industry.Based on this, this paper will analyze the concept and principles of the double-carbon concept, and discuss the application measures of the two-carbon concept in the architectural design, hoping to further improve the design level of China's architecture and promote the sustainable development of the construction industry.

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Budao Su, Shuyang Li, Xinyue Cao


The translation of foreign publicity news plays a very important role in cultural communication. As one of the difficulties in translation, cultural loaded words have received increasing attention from translators. The Beijing Winter Olympics is an important opportunity to spread Chinese culture to the world. While Chinese culture has a long history, is broad and profound, and has generated a large number of cultural loaded words in the process of historical development. The issue of how to accurately translate cultural loaded words is becoming increasingly important. With the development of the times, the cultivation of translation talents also needs to keep pace with the times. The issue of how to improve the translation literacy of college students and improve the language conversion ability in cultural publicity to the outside world is also constantly testing college foreign language teachers. Therefore, this thesis will take the Beijing Winter Olympics publicity news as the research object, and explore the teaching research of Japanese translation of cultural loaded words in publicity news under the guidance of Skopos Theory.

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Lan Wang


The Mongolian nationality dance includes the top bowl dance inherited from the Yuan Dynasty, including chopsticks dance, insect insect dance, Topxiu dance, duel, etc. Various kinds of dances have their own characteristics, and various dances express the strong emotions of the Mongolian people. This paper studies —— Surden, another Mongolian dance. In short, Savurden is a form of artistic expression that integrates song, music and dance, with profound research significance and rich cultural heritage. The article will take Mongolian Uygur dance as the starting point to explore the presentation and cultural characteristics of Mongolian Uygur dance form.

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Guofang Zhang


How to cultivate talents who master information security technology for society has also become a major task for universities. As a technical course in information security in vocational colleges, "vulnerability scanning and protection" faces many problems in classroom teaching. How to design classroom teaching and ensure that students are proficient in using the latest information security tools is the focus of this course. Based on the actual situation of classroom teaching in vocational colleges and the cognitive patterns of students, this article analyzes the practical problems faced in the teaching of the course "Vulnerability Scanning and Protection". Combining with the actual situation of classroom teaching and the learning situation of information security majors in vocational colleges, it proposes curriculum design strategies for practical teaching and designs practical teaching links to solve the problems in practical teaching, providing reference experience for the teaching reform of the course "Vulnerability Scanning and Protection".

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Kejian Wang


With the continuous development of science and technology and social progress, education management in colleges and universities is facing many new challenges and opportunities. At present, the traditional education management mode has been unable to adapt to the development needs of modern colleges and universities, in order to adapt to this change, improve the quality of college education, modernize the education management of colleges and universities, promote the overall development of students, and cultivate talents with innovative spirit and practical ability, it is necessary to modernize and reform the education management of colleges and universities. The discussion of this research plan aims to explore how to promote the modernization of college education management, improve the effectiveness and quality of college education management, and provide strong support for the sustainable development of colleges and universities.


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